"Art as Contextual Art", Ed. Sellem, Galerie S. Petri, Archive of Experimental Art, 1976, Lund, Sweden
"Art, Society and Self-consciousness", Ed. Alberta College of Art Gallery, 1979, Calgary, Canada
"Quotation on Contextual Art", Ed. by Michael Gibbs, 1988, Het Apollohuis Gallery, Eindhoven, Holland
"Freedom and Limitation - The Anatomy of Postmodernism", Ed. by Brian Dyson, Syntax Publishing Calgary, Canada


"Art as Contextual Art", Parachute 5, Hiver 1976, Montreal, Canada
"Contextual Art", Art Dimension 14,1978, Lanciano, Italy
"An appropriate standard of living", Release, Summer 1980, Calgary, Canada
"To take position", Inter Art Actuel, 1988, Quebec, Canada
"Art in the '80", Natura Cultura International Magazine, 1989, Salerno, Italy

•   print - 1 p.   •