b.23th August 1923, Bydgoszcz. He passed away 9th February 2014, Warsaw. He was buried at Military Cementary Powazki, Warsaw (place D-1-29).

1944 - 1952 Studied:

painting, graphic art, architecture, dance.
1952 graduated from Painting Dpt. at Academy of Fine Art, Warsaw
He uses different kind of media in his artistic practice. He is also involved with the theory of art, writes a lot of articles and publishes books.

Painted a set of pictures 'Semantic signs'.
Collaborated with the Institute of Art, Warsaw.
Wrote a set of texts concerning the problem of sign in art.
Traveled to Spain and Morocco where he studied culture and art of Islam.
Studied China calligraphy. A set of texts on meanings in the old and new calligraphy.

Studied formal logic and structures of language.
Dealt with the problem of communication and information.
Founded 'The art research section' of The Polish Cybernetics Association.

Dealt with art as o social practice: art as action stimulating new reality.
Organized various types of ort interventions and manifestations.
Co-founder of the 'Zero Museum' in Warsaw, Poland

Collaborated with many art groups and artists' cooperatives in Poland: Net, Permafo, Warsztat Formy Filmowej.
Member of the art council of the galleries: Współczesna, Remont, Zero, (Warsaw), Contemporary Art Gallery, (Wrocław), Pole Gry, (Bolesławiec)
Many meetings throughout the country

Published article: "Spór o istnienie sztuki" ('Controversy on Existance of Art') and then holds a meeting with students at the 'Presentation of Polish Art Schools' in Nowa Ruda, Poland

Co-founder of Mała Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

(August) Published the manifesto 'Art as Contextual Art'. Wyd. Selem Galerie S. Petri, Lund, Szwecja
Zorganizowanie "Wystawy Sztuki Kontekstualnej", Lund, Malmo (Kunsthall Museum)
Art activity involved in the real time of existing in socio-cultural diversities.
International Conference devoted to my manifesto organized by the Center for Experimental Art and Communication CEAC, Toronto, Canada. Among others participants: 'Art Sociologique' group from Paris, 'Art and Language' group, 'Artists Meeting for Social Change', 'The Fox' Magazine from New York.

Organized lnternational Conference 'Art as Activity in the Context of Reality' gathered artists and critics from 35 countries.
Conference results with an agreement on collaboration within the frame of International Contextual Movement, signed by groups Arte de Systemo Latina America and L'Art Sociologique: 'Art as new Consciousness'
Organized 'Conference on Contextual Art 2' which is a result of close collaboration among Polish and Canadian Contextual artists

Organized 'Group Work Concentrated on Local Activities'
Socio-art interventions in the country

Co-organized lnternational Exhibition: ' Contact. From Contemplation to Agitation', Pałac Sztuki gallery, Cracow, Poland

Co-organized exhibition 'Art of the 70's', BWA Gallery, Sopot, Poland

Co-organized art manifestations outside official institutions

Organized presentation of Western Front Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, in Remont Gallery in Warsaw, Poland

Organized a mutual exchange program between Polish and Dutch artists: presentation Het Apollohuis Gallery, Eindhoven, in Remont Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, and presentotion 'Art from Poland' in Het Apollohuis Gallery in Eindhoven

Organized a mutual exchange program between Polish and Dutch artists: presentation Het Apollohuis Gallery, Eindhoven, in Remont Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, and presentotion 'Art from Poland' in Het Apollohuis Gallery in Eindhoven Organized a mutual exchange program between Polish and Canadian Artists: Halifax - Lublin, in collaboration with A. Mroczek organized in Halifax and Ouebec City a presentation of artists connected with the Labirynt Gallery in Lublin, Poland
Organizuje program Polsko - Kanadyjskiej wymiany artystycznej: Halifax - Lublin, we współpracy z A. Mroczkiem przygotowuje prezentacje artystów związanych z Galerią Labirynt w Lublinie w Halifax i Quebec City

Elected chairman of International Association of Alternative Artists (SASI)
Organized Polish Presentation at Espaces Affranchis, Festival of Art, Danae Foundation, Paris, France

In collaboration with Richard Martel, curator of Le Lieu Gallery, Ouebec City, organized International Festival 'Interscop' (performance, video, installation), Łucznica, Poland

Organized the International Performance Festival 'Real Time - Story Telling '91', Sopot, Poland

Collaborated with the polish public TV, T.V.P

Took a trip to Asia (Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Java, Bali) to collect materials for a book 'Real Time - Story Telling'.
Organized the International Performance Festival 'Real Time - Story Telling '93', Lublin, Poland

•   print - 3 pp.   •